The school, originally two large houses, has a character of its own, with an extensive array of rooms which include:
Children are the heart of our child centred, inclusive nursery school.
We provide high quality nursery education and care through an exciting and diverse play based curriculum, which develops children’s skills for lifelong learning.
We work closely with our families, to foster high expectations for all our children.
We develop children’s learning power by giving them opportunities to explore our extensive indoor and outdoor environment so they can reach their full potential.
We teach children to care for themselves and others and make healthy and sustainable choices.
Rothesay Nursery – a place to grow and learn
We have a positive approach to behaviour; praising and rewarding good behaviour, pointing out positive role models and reminding a child of the appropriate way to behave in a situation.
For many of our children, the nursery is the first place where they will work as part of a group, sharing resources and taking turns. We support them to show care, concern and respect for other people.
We help them to talk about what is right and wrong, and the children are encouraged to follow some basic rules (Rothesay Rules). We encourage children to be independent and to develop their own self control.
If children find it difficult to follow our rules, then the staff will work with them and their families.