Rothesay Nursery has a very active governing body which meets twice termly and covers the areas of Planning and Curriculum, Personnel and Finance, Premises and Health and Safety.
The governing body is central in ensuring that policies and future plans are put into practice. The governors are committed to ensuring that all pupils meet their potential and they focus on raising attainment across the whole school. When a vacancy occurs for a parent governor, all parents are given the opportunity to stand for election.
We encourage ethnic minority representation on the governing body. A parent can remain a parent governor for as long as his/her children attend the school and many stay on to become community governors.
Governors hold a yearly meeting when they present their annual report to parents. Parents have the opportunity to comment and ask questions. This meeting usually forms part of the annual parents' evening.
Jonathan Lodge - Chair and Governor Lead for Safeguarding, Prevent and Safer Recruitment
Alex Flegmann - Vice Chair and Governor Lead for SEN